Today I confess...
...I am legitimately worried that I will seriously injure myself on Saturday. I mean, it's going to suck to do this race anyway because of the running and the obstacle course, and the sun that gets insanely hot at insanely early times... But apart from that, my body is just a general mess, and I tend to get injured pretty easily when I'm not exerting myself or going through a bunch of obstacles. Fingers crossed, people.'s been one of those days where literally everything is bothering me. I have been powering through work stuff all day, but still don't feel like I've gotten anything done, my house is still a mess (or way more of a mess than I'd like it to be), my to-do list is a mile long, and my anxiety is through the roof. Today I wished more than once that I actually took medication for anxiety, because every once in a while (like today), it comes swooping in like a freaking freight train, and completely takes over my brain.
...I have discovered a couple of bloggers lately who, while I really don't care too much for what they have to say, I find strangely fascinating. It's a weird thing for me to be completely uninterested in someone, and yet so completely interested at the same time. The only way I can explain it is that it's sort of like a car crash - the kind where you don't know anyone, so it doesn't affect you at all, but still, you can't look away. And even that isn't quite right. Either way, it's just weird.
...sometimes having a really good understanding of spelling/grammar is frustrating, because it's annoying when people get it wrong.. Especially the really simple stuff that EVERYONE should know....which happens ALL THE FREAKING TIME. I'm not saying that in an "oh look at me I'm so smart" way, but more in like a "seriously people, get it together and be better than this".
...I really hate Times New Roman or Comic Sans fonts. I know resumes are "technically" supposed to be written in TNR font, but I just can't bring myself to do it because I think it's really ugly. desk is a complete and total disaster right now. I can't work well in chaos, so I know that it's probably having at least a tiny impact on my productivity, but it seems like no matter what I do right now, I can't get it organized to save my life. I don't know what's wrong with me. Other than the aforementioned Stage 5 Clinger anxiety I've got going on.
...I really can't think of anything else right now. My brain is fried, and all I want to do is go to bed and sleep and forget about stress and work and most of life in general for like, a whole solid week just so I can reset myself. First class passenger on the struggle bus, right here.
What are your confessions? Link up with Kathy and tell me secrets, it will make me feel better. And also my hair will have more volume. #science
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